Sunday, March 1, 2009

Is Dr. Phil Dad of Octuplet's Mom's Octuplets?

March 1, 2009 - Talkers on Fox News asked this question during a news bulletin today when reports surfaced that octuplet mom Nadya Suleman’s 2nd stepcousin's roommate used to date an anonymous relative of Dr. Phil, therefore he must indeed be the father of the octuplets, according to the Non-Associated press..

The cool demeanor and unfathomable attractiveness of Dr. Phil, and the fact that the two had most likely met at some point suggests that there is no other way a woman can possibly sporn octuplets in this situation, say credible scientific sources.

Dr. Phil's spokesperson had no official comment, but suggested that there were likely other probable causes.

However, Harmon Needledinger of the Word All Over tabloid says that it is an undeniable fact that Dr. Phil is the octuplet father and “Shame on him for pretending to exert his want of grace."

Nobody else had anything to comment, nor could they really understand Needledinger’s claim anyway.